Har du en liten podcast drøm, eller har bare lyst til å lære deg?
Denne pakken gir deg det du trenger for å komme i gang.
Her kan du raskt lage podcaster av høy kvalitet på PC eller iOS-enheten din.
IXO Podcast Pack kombinerer IXO12 tokanals USB 2.0 lydgrensesnitt, kvalitets kondensator mikrofon og alt mikrofon tilbehør med en komplett programvarepakke.
Dette er en komplett produksjons pakke for sosiale medier i studio klasse.
For podcasting
Share your thoughts, inspiration, ideas and news with the world by recording podcasts for broadcast on any online medium, or write them to audio files for distribution or download. The IXO12 delivers a versatile and highly portable production package, which means you can produce your podcast anywhere – at home, at work, on vacation, even in the middle of nowhere! With seamless PC/Mac computer and iOS compatibility, it has everything you need to become a true podcast pro.
Included Software
WaveLab Cast
WaveLab Cast helps you to create stunning podcasts and interviews with a wide range of comprehensive but simple-to-use tools, perfectly suited to making your podcasts and interviews inspiring listening for more subscribers.
Cubase AI
Cubase AI is a special, cut-down version which uses the same core technologies as Cubase Pro, providing all the basic tools needed for recording, editing and mixing.
Cubasis LE
Cubasis LE is the compact version of its bigger brother Cubasis. Specially designed for quick and easy operation, it makes recording, editing and mixing on
ST-M01 studio condenser microphone
The included ST-M01 studio condenser microphone is a high-quality studio mic with a clean, smooth response, exceptional sensitivity and a wide frequency response. Capturing every detail in excellent quality, it’s ideal for recording every nuance of vocals, interviews, acoustic guitar, other instruments and field recordings.
Microphone accessories
Also included is a pop shield to reduce plosives while recording, a low noise microphone cable and a tabletop stand for placing the microphone in the best position.
Steinberg Plus
Steinberg Plus is a real ‘plus’ if you own an IXO series audio interface, giving you a great selection of free VST instruments and VST sound loop sets. It’s our way of thanking you for investing in our audio interfaces. *
* Note: Steinberg Plus content changes regularly. Purchasers cannot choose which products will be included.